Emergency Medicine Residency Point-of-Care Ultrasound Education
As Emergency Medicine providers, we have a proud tradition in the field of point of care ultrasound (POCUS). In fact, there is emergency ultrasound literature dating back to 1988 and policy statements regarding emergency bedside ultrasound from the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine and the American College of Emergency Physicians as early as 1991. As a specialty, emergency providers have been at the forefront of developing point of care ultrasound and pushing the boundaries of its use. Our residency has an incredibly robust ultrasound curriculum. Our goal is not only for you to be proficient in basic POCUS applications but to be facile in advanced applications as well, including regional anesthesia, TEE, & ultrasound-guided resuscitation. We offer a mandatory intern boot camp & rotation, an advanced elective for PGY-2 & 3 residents, and a longitudinal ultrasound scholarly track.
Kendra’s favorite sonographer…
Kendra Mendez, MD, FAAEM Director, GME EM POCUS Education Assistant Director, AEMUS Fellowship Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
Email: kendra.mendez2@tuhs.temple.edu
5 shifts weekly with EUS faculty or fellow(s)
Expected Scans >125 for the month
Weekly QA on Tuesday at 10am
Location: Jones Hall, 10th Floor Conference Room
The first Tuesday of the block will be the initial day of your rotation.
Monthly Journal Club: you will be assigned an article to evaluate and present; see example
Monthly Topic Presentation (last Tuesday of your rotation): you will present on the topic of the month; see example
Assist with Ultrasound Interest Group (USIG), MS1-2 Ultrasound Elective, & US in Med Ed curriculum
Assist with ongoing Ultrasound studies
Review Resources below (specifically Introductory Lectures)
Complete TEST before the end of your rotation
While on shift...
For each scan, enter the following information. See example.
Medical Record Number (under Patient ID)
First and Last Name
ER (under Perf. physician)
Review all scans with the attending of record (all attendings are L3 credentialed).
Put the machines to sleep & plug them in when not in use (plug them in while in use as well).
Stock the machines at the beginning and end of your shift.
Clean the machines & transducers (but not the screen) with non-bleach wipes or soap & water.