Aunt Minnie highlights Temple study comparing handheld POCUS devices with traditional cart-based models.
Ryan C. Gibbons, MD, FAAEM, FAIUM, FACEP discusses BFLY’s new Proficiency Management Solution.
EM:RAP Discussion
EM:RAP & the Ultrasound Gel Podcast highlight Temple’s study comparing USG vs LMG for medium-sized joint arthrocentesis.
Temple Setting the Standard
Philadelphia Medicine Magazine highlights Temple’s pioneering POCUS education.
Ultrasound Gel Podcast, Journal Feed, and TamingtheSru highlight the UltraSquad’s study using POCUS for PTA diagnosis and drainage.
POCUS in Medical Education
Lewis Katz School of Medicine features the UltraSquad teaching medical students the power of POCUS.
More Butterflies
Second-year medical students receive their Butterfly iQ devices.
The Importance of POCUS
MedicalResearch highlights Ryan Gibbons, MD, FAAEM, FACEP, FAIUM discussing the role of POCUS in medical education.
Temple Leading the Way
First-year medical students surprised with their very own Butterfly iQ devices.
Sonographic Score for Cholecystitis
Medscape features Thomas G. Costantino, MD, FAAEM, FACEP discussing a new sonographic scoring system to diagnose cholecystitis.
Lung Ultrasound for COVID
The Philadelphia Inquirer highlights the UltraSquad’s study using LUS to diagnosis COVID pneumonia.
COVID-19 Pneumonia
AuntMinnie features Kendra Mendez, MD, FAAEM discussing the role of LUS in COVID-19.
ACEP 2020 Highlights Temple Study
Check out MedPage: POCUS beats CXR for the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia.
POCUS for Arterial Lines
Journal Feed, RebelEM, and Aunt Minnie highlight the UltraSquad’s study comparing USG vs LMG radial arterial line placement.