1. UA + Abdominal US = reduced CT usage in low risk patients with abdominal pain
Accuracy of Ultrasound Diagnosis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
1. US accurate to within 4mm CT measurements of AAA
Retrobulbar Hematomas
1. POCUS can readily identify
2. Accuracy improves with experience
Reason Trial 2a
1. PSLA vs SX FOCUS in Cardiac Arrest
Febrile UTI (complicated vs uncomplicated)
1. @10% of febrile UTIs are complicated requiring emergent urologic intervention (stent or percutaneous nephrostomy tube)
2. Presence of hydronephrosis 100% PPV of needing emergent urologic intervention
3. Absence of hydronephrosis 100% NPV of emergent urologic intervention
4. POCUS evaluation for hydronephrosis reduces CT usage
Ultrasound Guided vs Landmark Diagnosis of Peritonsillar Abscess
1. Improve diagnostic accuracy
2. Improves treatment success
3. Decreases CT usage
4. Decreases ENT consultation rates
5. Implementation of EBM changes provider practice
US Guide vs Landmark Arterial Line Placement: A Randomized Control Trial
1. USG improves 1st pass & overall success
2. USG minimizes time to successful access
3. USG minimizes complications
Carotid Flow Time
Volume Resuscitation in hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)
1. No utility.
2. Typically, no clinically significant hypovolemia in HG
USGPIV in Difficult Access Patients
1. Improve success rate
2. Decreases complications
USGPIV vs External Jugular in Difficult Access Patients
1. US improves success rate (when EJ nonvisble)
2. USGPIV + EJ = 98% success rate in difficult access patients
US vs Landmark for Knee Arthrocentesis
1. No significant difference in success rate
2. Increases aspiration volume
3. No additional time delay
4. Improves provider confidence
UA + Renal POCUS to Rule Out Nephrolithiasis
1. No hydro + no hematuria = no stone
Ocular POCUS vs Ophthalmoscopy for Acute Visual Complaints
1. Ocular POCUS more sensitive and specific for pathology
Ultrasound vs Landmark Guided Medium Joint Arthrocentesis: A Randomized Clinical Trial
1. USG improved 1st pass & overall success
2. USG has fewer attempts
LUS vs CXR for the Radiographic Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia
1. LUS more sensitive than CXR
PiOS Study: Point-of-care lung ultrasound (POCUS)-integrated observational study of admitted patients with COVID-19. A Multi-center study assessing cardiopulmonary sonographic changes in COVID-19 patients
Diagnostic Capability of a Portable, Handheld Point-of-Care Ultrasound Device vs a Traditional Cart-Based Model: A Randomized Clinical Trial
1. Handheld similar accuracy as traditional cart-based model.