Never a dull moment!
Points of Contact: mark.magee@tuhs.temple.edu (EM) & nicole.keane@tuhs.temple.edu (IM)
2 EM & 2 IM fellows annually
Appointment position: 1 year
Salary: 0.5 FTE ($105,000)
+ fringe benefits
Appointment as Adjunct Clinical Instructor of Emergency Medicine or Internal Medicine
Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council (EUFAC) Accredited
AEMUS Fellowship AY2024-25 Curriculum
5 faculty with ABEM Advanced Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography Focused Practice Designation
7 AEMUS fellowship-trained faculty
2 IM POCUS fellowship-trained faculty
All EM faculty credentialed in POCUS
720 annual clinical hours (EM)
915 annual clinical hours (IM)
Weekly scanning shift & QA
AEMUS Faculty Schedule
>1000 expected scans
Resident & medical student education
On shift
Sim center
Cadaver lab
Medical School
Publications (IRB-approved)
Case report / series (optional)
Regional & National
Abstract presentation
Lecture(s) (optional)
POCUS course instructor (optional)
Philadelphia Regional POCUS course director
SAEM Sonogames faculty sponsor
QA/PI project (optional)
Grant proposal (optional)
Clinical Sites
Temple University Hospital:
>85,000 adult & pediatric visits annually
Episcopal Campus: >30,000 adult & pediatric
Jeanes Campus: >38,000 adult & pediatric
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP):
>90,000 pediatric visits annually
scanning shifts with PEM POCUS faculty
EM Point-of-Care Ultrasound Equipment
GE: Logiq E (3), Venue (6), Vivid (1)
Sonosite: Edge (1), M-turbo (1)
Butterfly iQs (11)
Endo-cavitary transducers (3)
Clinical experience in ED & with SPs in Sim center
TEE transducer (2) & Vimedex Simulator
Clinical experience in ED & OR
ECG leads (4)
Sectra & Butterfly cloud storage
SonoSim LiveScan (2) in simulation center
Midline catheters
USG-RA nerve block kit
Your training will be multifaceted.
Hands-on training with ultrasound faculty
Simulation training
Standardized patients
Cadaver lab
Weekly QA
Monthly Topic Reviews
Chapter discussions (Ma & Mateer’s Emergency Ultrasound)
Board review test prep
Lectures by ultrasound faculty & subject-matter experts
Journal Club
Optional sub-specialty rotations: cardiology, PM&R, sports medicine/orthopedics, nephrology, pulm/crit care, endocrine, rheumatology, & anesthesiology
Teaching Opportunities
Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
Additional opportunities:
MS 1 & 2 Point-of-Care Ultrasound elective
MS 1 & 2 Point-of-Care Ultrasound Interest Group (USIG)
MS 4 Emergency Ultrasound elective 424
MS 4 Anatomy elective
MS 4 Transition to Residency course
Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, Physicians Assistant Program
Introduction to Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Temple University Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine
Resident Conference
On-shift teaching
Department of Internal Medicine
Point-of-Care Ultrasound Curriculum
IM Gel Rounds
Department of Hospital Medicine & Division of Nephrology
Faculty Development
Departments of Surgery & Anesthesiology
eFAST training
Training for Ultrasound in Global Surgery (TUGS)
Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care
Basics of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Critical Care Course
Division of Podiatry
Musculoskeletal POCUS
Regional Anesthesia
Advanced Practice Providers & Nursing POCUS education
ResusX & UltraRounds at Cooper University Hospital
Regional Critical Care & Emergency Medicine Conference
Philadelphia Regional Point-of-Care Ultrasound Conference
Regional Emergency Medicine resident conference
Philadelphia Regional UltraFest
Regional medical student POCUS conference
Philadelphia Emergency Medicine Medical Student Symposium
Regional medical student EM conference
Drexel University College of Medicine
Introduction to Point-of-Care Ultrasound
St Christopher’s Hospital for Children
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship
Monthly lecture series
On-shift teaching
National & International
International Federation of Emergency Medicine (IFEM)
Educational Opportunities
Clinical Ultrasound in Tropical Infectious Diseases Course, in Lima, Peru.
American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) conference, in Seattle, WA. The POCUS Crew!
SonoSlam at the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) conference in New York, NY.
The Temple family at the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) conference in Orlando, FL.